
Rafal Tomal

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See Rockbase in Action and Get Sneak Peek on What’s Coming Next

See Rockbase in Action and Get Sneak Peek on What’s Coming Next The launch of the Rockbase theme has garnered an incredible response so far! Although users are hesitant to switch to WordPress's full-site editor (FSE), we received a ton of positive feedback on it. I've shared my excitement for this new direction in a previous article, explaining why I believe it's a big step for WordPress users. We've also received numerous custom website project requests from big names and well-known digital...

Why I'm Excited About WordPress Again Like many web designers, my journey didn’t start with WordPress. I started with plain HTML/CSS and then tried on Joomla, but it wasn’t long before I discovered WordPress and immediately fell for its simplicity and power. That switch marked the beginning of an exciting career path for me, designing websites and themes that would later lead me to collaborate with Brian Gardner and the talented StudioPress team. Together, we crafted some of the most beloved...

Hey there! I know it's been a while since my last email, but I've been super busy finishing up our latest project. Ever been so close to the finish line with a project, feeling like you’re 90% there, but that last 10% seems to stretch on indefinitely? That’s exactly where we’ve been. Adding a tweak here, refining a detail there - striving for that elusive perfection. But good news – the wait is over. I’m thrilled to introduce Rockbase to you! Let me take you on a tour of what we've packed...

Balancing the Ups and Downs of Running a Service Business Running a business can often feel like you're strapped into the wildest rollercoaster with no idea what twist or turn is coming next. I've been there and it's both exhilarating and daunting. In my best month, I soared high with earnings hitting over $95k. The next month, it’s a plunge into a $15k loss. Yeah, it’s a wild ride. And here's the thing – it's completely normal. There are going to be amazing days and some not-so-great ones....

Free Figma style guide template

FREE Figma Web Style Guide and Starter Templates In today’s newsletter, I’m thrilled to share something special with you: my free web style guide for Figma. It's a simplified version of the design system we use over at Think of this file as your design springboard. You can use it as a starting point for your own creations. Adjust the colors, play around with typography, add more UI elements, or expand the color palette to suit your needs. It's designed to be flexible and...

How I Run My Design Studio It's been four years since I gave my freelancing a makeover, transforming it into what is now It's been quite a journey, growing from a solo venture to a design studio with two full-time designers and a bunch of talented contractors. When I embarked on this journey, I made a conscious decision to measure success differently. For me, it's not just about the numbers in the bank account. It's more about how this venture fits into my life. Does it make me...


A couple of years ago, I hit the reset button on my design business and my life. Back then, I felt stuck. Like many, I believed success meant building a perfect business — hiring a team, scaling up, and making detailed plans for the future. I was caught up in doing what I thought I was supposed to do. Every step was about reaching some industry standard, not about what I really wanted. The joy of designing, my true passion, was getting lost in the noise of ‘business growth’. That’s when I...

Hi there! As we approach the holidays, it's a great time to reflect on the year. Think about all you've achieved. Even the small steps are progress in our field. If things didn't go as planned, focus on what you've learned rather than what didn't work. Think about what you want to achieve next. Plan clear, achievable steps to reach those goals. Also, explore my new newsletter format below, where I share an article or tutorial for skill-building, a quick design tip, and a personal reflection...

Hello Again 👋 Hey there! It’s been a while… If you’re wondering how you ended up here, it’s because you subscribed to my newsletter, downloaded one of my free resources, or purchased a product from Regardless of how you got here, I’m extremely grateful to have you here and I hope you’ll stay tuned for what’s coming next… I began my journey several years ago by sharing my free design tools and everything I learned with other designers. My personal brand has grown over the...