Balancing the Ups and Downs of Running a Service Business

Balancing the Ups and Downs of Running a Service Business

Running a business can often feel like you're strapped into the wildest rollercoaster with no idea what twist or turn is coming next. I've been there and it's both exhilarating and daunting.

In my best month, I soared high with earnings hitting over $95k. The next month, it’s a plunge into a $15k loss. Yeah, it’s a wild ride.

And here's the thing – it's completely normal. There are going to be amazing days and some not-so-great ones. You might even hit a rough patch that lasts weeks, months, or, brace yourself, an entire year.

But here’s what I learned: it's crucial to zoom out and look at the bigger picture. Those down times? They're not the end of your story. They're just part of the journey. Often, there's something incredible just around the corner, waiting for you.

All you need is the resilience to ride out the storm and the vision to see beyond the immediate hurdles.

So, let's dive in and explore how to navigate these ups and downs, and most importantly, how to keep your eye on the big picture.

Tip of the week

Copy interactive elements from FigJam to Figma file

Did you know you can enhance your Figma design projects with interactive elements from FigJam?

It’s quite simple and effective. For instance, you can copy elements like lines with arrows directly from FigJam and paste them into your regular Figma file. These elements retain their interactivity – the arrows will still stick to your elements just as they do in FigJam.

This feature can be particularly useful for projects that require detailed flow diagrams or interactive features.

I’m currently integrating these interactive elements into my tool, which adds a dynamic and user-friendly aspect to the designs.

Try it out in your next Figma project for an added layer of functionality!

What got me inspired

TextOS - Weather

It's this incredibly unique weather mobile app that's caught my eye. Imagine a weather app, but designed entirely using text and ASCII-like art.

It's as minimalist as it gets – just black and white, no flashy graphics or colors.

It's a refreshing reminder that innovation isn't always about adding more; sometimes it's about seeing what's already there in a whole new way.

Take the Next Step

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  2. Design Faster and Better: Check out my Figma toolkit for designers. It's practical and easy to use.
  3. Get in Touch: Questions or feedback? Reply to this email—I'm here to help.

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Rafal Tomal

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