A Simple Guide to Figma for Non-Designers

Hi there!

As we approach the holidays, it's a great time to reflect on the year.

Think about all you've achieved. Even the small steps are progress in our field. If things didn't go as planned, focus on what you've learned rather than what didn't work.

Think about what you want to achieve next. Plan clear, achievable steps to reach those goals.

Also, explore my new newsletter format below, where I share an article or tutorial for skill-building, a quick design tip, and a personal reflection on what has recently inspired me in the design world.

As we wrap up the year, let's look forward to a new year filled with creativity!

Happy Holidays and here's to a successful new year!

A Simple Guide to Figma for Non-Designers

Figma has quickly become one of the most popular design tools these days. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features have made it a go-to choice for many designers.

What’s great about Figma is that it’s not just limited to professional designers. Even if you don’t have a design background, you can still use Figma to create stunning visual content.

In fact, Figma can be used for a wide range of design projects, beyond just UI/UX. You can leverage its versatility to design presentations, create simple logos for your side projects, or design quick social media graphics and banner ads. The possibilities are endless!

So, I wanted to create a super simple guide for non-designers like content creators, copywriters, marketers, and others who want to be able to create quick graphics on their own without learning all the advanced Figma features.

At the end of this guide, you’ll know how to create your own file in Figma, set up the frame (the artboard for your image) at the size you need, add some text and images, and export it to PNG or JPG.

Tip of the week

Figma Color Wheel

Explore the Figma Color Wheel, a handy tool for creating cohesive color schemes. Start by picking a base color, then use the wheel to find matching shades, adjusting saturation and brightness for the perfect balance.

It’s great for ensuring your colors are accessible, with features to check text-background contrast. Simple yet powerful, this tool is a go-to for developing professional color palettes efficiently.

What got me inspired


Check out the beautiful BunsenStudio.com website design. I was inspired by its seamless blend of minimalism and bold typography, which creates a captivating and user-friendly experience that stands out in the digital design landscape.

Take the Next Step

  1. Share: Enjoyed this newsletter? Pass it on to friends and peers in the design world.
  2. Design Faster and Better: Check out my Figma toolkit for designers. It's practical and easy to use.
  3. Get in Touch: Questions or feedback? Reply to this email—I'm here to help.

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Rafal Tomal

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