Introducing Rockbase 🚀

Hey there!

I know it's been a while since my last email, but I've been super busy finishing up our latest project.

Ever been so close to the finish line with a project, feeling like you’re 90% there, but that last 10% seems to stretch on indefinitely? That’s exactly where we’ve been. Adding a tweak here, refining a detail there - striving for that elusive perfection.

But good news – the wait is over. I’m thrilled to introduce Rockbase to you!

Let me take you on a tour of what we've packed into this theme, and why I think you're going to love it as much as we do.

Who is Rockbase For?

Our focus is on digital creators. Whether you're writing a blog, hosting podcasts, running courses, sending out newsletters, or selling a single product, Rockbase is designed with you in mind.

​Rockbase is also perfect for all the service providers out there – designers, copywriters, coaches, and freelancers of all stripes. Our goal is to empower your creative process and help you showcase your services in the best light.

Plus, we haven’t forgotten about studios and agencies. Rockbase comes packed with tools like Figma files and templates for quick prototyping, testing different styles, and design tweaks. Everything you need in your client project workflow.

Why Rockbase and Why WordPress?

We're big fans of where WordPress is headed with its full-site editing and block-based system. It's the future of modern website building – modular, straightforward, and flexible.

With Rockbase, you start with our pre-designed patterns and then tweak them to fit your style. It's easy to use, maintain, and fully customizable to make your site truly your own.

What’s included

1. WordPress Theme

​Rockbase is all about simplicity and speed. It's a fast, lightweight theme that comes ready with pre-designed patterns for key sections like CTAs, social proof, pricing tables, heroes, features, and content.

We offer a variety of styles, each with its own color scheme and typography. Pick the one you like and customize it to make it uniquely yours.

Our aim is to utilize core WordPress blocks and functionality, making it super easy for you to switch from Rockbase to any other theme if needed.

2. Design files

The Figma design kit (see preview) includes all the patterns you'll find in Rockbase, set up as components for easy use. With text and color styles, plus variables, you're all set for advanced customizations and creating unique designs.

Also in Figma, templates that are perfect for crafting your own blog post images, product covers, and more, ensuring everything fits perfectly with your site's look.

We’re also planning of expanding our collection of design assets, which you'll be able to use freely on your website. Among these, a hand-drawn icon pack is already available.

3. Playbooks

Think of playbooks as mini-sites ready to go out of the box. They come complete with all pages and placeholder content, so you don't have to start from scratch.

Just import a playbook content into WordPress and tweak it to suit your style. It's a real time-saver, cutting down hours of work you'd spend doing it all yourself.

4. Community

We've set up everything on Circle, creating a small community space for you. Here, you'll have direct access to ask questions, engage in discussions, see other people's projects, and share your own. It's a great way to get inspired, find support, and connect with fellow creators.

We’re just getting started

We're just kicking things off! Our main goal was to get Rockbase into your hands as soon as possible, so you can start exploring and creating with it, but we're far from done. We're already working on new patterns, design assets, email templates, and more exciting updates to keep enhancing Rockbase.

Your early feedback is incredibly valuable to us. It helps us understand what you need, which directions to take Rockbase in, and what playbooks and features to develop next.

Want to give it a try?

We are offering a launch promotion now through March 31, 2024. You can save 34% if you join now.

Take the Next Step

  1. ​Share: Enjoyed this newsletter? Pass it on to friends and peers in the design world.
  2. ​Design Faster and Better: Check out my Figma toolkit for designers. It's practical and easy to use.
  3. Get in Touch: Questions or feedback? Reply to this email—I'm here to help.

Thank you for your support!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Rafal Tomal

Join 20k+ people who love good design. Get my best tips, resources, and strategies to elevate your design skills and grow your business.

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